Network Switches Grow Up

Once just hubs that directed network traffic, network switches have steadily gained intelligence. They can now help with user access control of applications and enable fault tolerance to prevent network downtime. This increased functionality not only makes the corporate network run better; it can relieve some of the administrative load

The Pros and Cons of Server Consolidation

One of the hottest prospects to address the high administrative, support and infrastructure costs of the data center is server consolidation. “In the long term, server consolidation is something you absolutely must do,” says Tim Pacileo, executive consultant at Compass American Inc., a metrics-based IT consulting firm based in New

CRM Applications Go Internal

As enterprises become more adept at using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales Force Automation (SFA) systems to enhance customer relations, the buzz is beginning to build around using these same tools to recruit and retain top IT talent. The question is, will CRM for internal use be the next

The Semantic Web: Finally Becoming Enterprise-Ready

The Semantic Web was first envisioned in the late 1990s as the ultimate tool to harness the Internet’s ever-accelerating growth of data. Then and today, information searches are limited by the keywords people manually enter; if you don’t know the right keyword, you may miss ferreting out the information you

Wikis in the Enterprise

Thanks to the explosive popularity of Wikipedia, many consumers are familiar with the concept of a wiki, a collaborative web page which can be viewed and edited by anyone with access to the Internet. Corporate adoption, however, has been much slower. Only 37% of enterprises currently use wikis, according to